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FEELANTHROPY is committed to providing impartial, non-biased and funder-centric professional services in Israel:


Assistance with your due diligence in Israel

Add another layer to your vetting process, utilizing the capabilities and know-how of local experts who are actively involved in the Israeli nonprofit world.

Make the most of:

   -   Local knowledge on social issues

   -   Information on current state of affairs

   -   Expert review of resources only available in Hebrew - financial statements,

        research papers, news, and “word on the streets”


Ongoing monitoring of your donations

Benefit from a local liaison who monitors your grantees and areas of interest, and keeps you well informed:

   -   Scanning of relevant developments and local news

   -   Regular meetings with grantees and site visits

   -   Consultations with peers and relevant stakeholders

   -   Review of progress reports with a local lens

   -   Participation in funder roundtables on your behalf


Preparation of gift agreements

Assistance in drafting agreements that take into account local concerns.


Proactive identification of potential funding opportunities

Leverage local expertise and familiarity with current trends to help you identify those organizations, programs, initiatives and collaborations that best fit your philanthropic goals and funding interests in Israel.


Development of Israel-specific grantmaking processes

Develop and/or adapt grantmaking processes and tools to meet the specific Israeli circumstances.


Strategic planning of your giving

Align your FEEL with the opportunity to do real good - craft a strategy for your giving in Israel that brings together your passions, aspirations and reasons for giving; existing guidelines and restrictions; and in-depth understanding of the Israeli landscape.


Philanthropy education

Counsel to staff and board on grantmaking in Israel, staff coaching and philanthropy mentoring.

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